Author Topic: cryptocurrency stock market  (Read 967 times)


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    • pearse donnelly
cryptocurrency stock market
« on: February 03, 2018, 05:57:45 AM »
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Let us get started by saying that trading on sports and games isn't gambling! Yes, this can be a bold statement, but like trading using a stock exchange market really isn't considered to be gambling in the population eye - trading on sports and games shouldn't be either. In fact, the same guideline of "buying low" and "selling high" applies to the business in both sells. Essentially, it is all about making a huge amount of money within a certain timeframe, regardless once it heats up has to use trading a company stock - possibly simple football match!
The extreme volatility on Wednesday cooled a regarding people off, prompting some to call Bitcoin a bubble ready to burst, and caution everyone about taking it too seriously. However, the Miami Times reported that top level investors pertaining to instance the Winklevoss twins dedicated to Bitcoin.
JK: I don't think individuals are hedging around the euro with Bitcoin. The crisis brought a a lot more attention and exposure to Bitcoin. People found out about Bitcoin because for the euro crisis, but nobody is flooded by people from Cyprus trying to get bitcoins, it's the same not a direct correlation.
Jered Kenna: We relaunched before the price increase, we hoped regarding the first there and ride the wave. There has been considerably more interest from institutional investors, the VC community is really picking it up now so a regarding tech investors are setting yourself up with Bitcoin and putting money directly into Bitcoin. That's also fueling the price increase. Some investors are searching at it seriously.
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